
Expect More

It’s time we expect more of ourselves and our industry  The wholesale lumber market is in a cycle of self-perpetuating inefficiency. Incumbent inertia is a massive black hole where the young and optimistic are crushed by the epic gravitational pull of telephones, notepads, and “this is how we’ve always done it.” A recent job posting …

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A Wholesaler’s Perspective – John Branstetter Part 2

In part one, Wildwood Trading Group’s John Branstetter spoke with me about the forces he thinks are impacting the lumber market, and how he differentiates himself and his team from competitors. Here’s part two of John’s interview in our new series: A Wholesaler’s Perspective. To read part one, click here. Matt:  Talk to me a …

A Wholesaler’s Perspective – John Branstetter Part 2 Read More »

A Wholesaler’s Perspective – John Branstetter

Hey readers, it’s Matt Meyers. I am here today with John Branstetter from Wildwood Trading Group.  It’s a pleasure to speak with John about the issues in the industry and the market perspectives from wholesalers.  John has nearly four decades of experience and expertise in the Lumber and Building Materials Industry. He’s seen the evolution …

A Wholesaler’s Perspective – John Branstetter Read More »

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