LENCO Supplies Case Study

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What would 93% growth mean to you?

“In an industry where the buyer can simply turn elsewhere for a product, the speed of communication can be the difference between keeping and losing a partner.”

That’s a quote from Steve Coppola, VP of LENCO Supplies and head of their wholesale trading business. He’s on the leading edge of digital lumber trading. We think you should get to know him.

There is a lot to Steve’s story – 93% growth in year over year trade count, the role of Yesler, relationship building, speed and information, and becoming a better trading partner for his suppliers and customers. We wanted to tell the whole story. But how, while remaining true to our core principles of traders leading the way, confidentiality and privacy? Anybody that has worked with Yesler knows that what Steve or anyone else does on Yesler is their business, with their customers, and not ours. 

Getting Steve’s permission was easy – he’s easy to work with and an advocate of digital trading on Yesler. To anchor the narrative in fact, he shared LENCO’s trade-count data. Then it was up to us to tell the story. So what did we do? We let Steve tell it. First with facts and data supporting his journey, growth, and success with digital trading. Second, in his words.

At the end of this case study, you’ll find a link to connect to Steve on Yesler. Start your digital trading journey there or by creating your free account and inviting your trading partners. Here’s his case study.

Matt Meyers
Yesler CEO and Founder
Matt’s 28 years of industry experience span engineering, manufacturing, distribution, product development and include leading Weyerhaeuser’s $3.5 billion sales, marketing, and supply chain for all lumber and engineered products. He founded Yesler in 2019.

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